Sorry I know if you want to do well in photography you have to get your s**t together.
Well I haven’t done nothing, a busy 12 months and then 10 months of this COVID pretty much stopped everything. The last months have been more of a mental challenge not knowing one day to the next if you still have a job. Waking up to see what the next round of restrictions are, can’t go here, can’t do that and to top it all curfews in place, what century are we in?
Anyway, still have the same gear, don’t think I have purchased anything new even though I would love to. Keep looking at the Nikon D750, an old camera that you can still pick up new, tried and tested to the max! Only issue here is it will mean a change of all lenses as well from DX to FX, not sure spending $$$$$ will go down so well at the moment! Or maybe I should start looking at Sony?
I’ve got a bit more enthusiasm back towards processing photos, either using presets or just trying to get my own style. I do need to focus, anyone checking my Instagram page will see its a bit all over the place!
Recently got an email from a company called Saal Digital offering me a free professional photo book. As usual I ended up rushing the whole thing and whilst 90% of it is great, a bit more attention to detail when selecting photos is needed on my part! I’ll do a write up soon and drop a few images of it, really good quality!
To celebrate (well not too much) the image featured here is from 2 years ago, brought back to life and retouched with my new found skills! I have watched 100’s of YouTube videos, even bought some presets, but as you all know, and for those that don’t, develop your own style and stick with it!
Hope to write again soon and not in 2 years time!
Equipment used
Nikon D7200
Pig Iron LB-1 L Bracket
Sigma 18-35mm f1.8
Andoer Aluminum Travel Camera Tripod
Enjoy & shoot more…
(Main image shot using Nikon D7200 and Sigma ART 18-35 – f1.8, EXIF 30″ at f9, 14mm, ISO 100)